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Summer of Sudal Day Camp - June 14th - July 18th

The camp was born this summer after a friend from Palau sent a donation to help with typhoon relief.

The camp was a weeklong curriculum focusing on creativity, the environment, community service, leadership, and sports.  We traveled to five different communities and ended it all with a big extravaganza at the community center in town.

That's right Diversity Champions, I busted out Hoops! It was much more successful than Blind Trust Walk.

Each of the volunteer facilitators where responsible for designing a day of camp, with input from the others.  I used the knowledge I gained working with Diversity Education at MGM Mirage to teach the kids about leadership, goal setting, and teamwork.  One girl wrote me a letter at the end of camp and told me to "Work for my goal!"  Even if I only reached one kid this summer, it was worth it. 

Lizard Girl Leah from Bael Camp

I think we learned more from the children then they did from us.

Marta & I showing the kids how to make hemp bracelets

The kids here are extremely good with their hands and already know how to do different types of weaving and bead work, but we showed them a new way and they inturn gave us tips.

Fish Survival @ Fanif School

This is a simulation/role playing game where the children pretend to be fish (the prey) and we pretend to be the sharks (the predators).  They have to build a home and collect resources for survival without getting eatin by us.  We get them to think about how fish/animals work together to survive and why it's important to protect their food sources (the reef) and so on.

Three legged race @ Gatumoon (my village park)


Cleaning up the court

Gatumoon - Our community service day was spent cleaning the area around the village basketball court.  These boys were doing their best to untangle the net...good luck.

The Girls

Me posing with some of the girls from my family and village.

How long is Minema's hair?

Scavenger Hunt question number 10.  I think they had fun with this one. 

Answer:  2 inches left alone, 5 if pulled straight (not bad considering I shaved my head in Sept. 03)

Discovering the joy of journaling

We did a skit about goal setting then asked them to come up with one goal for the next year.  We gave them all journals and had them write their goal on the inside cover.  We followed the activity up with a journal decorating party and a introduction to journaling.  See!  I painted a watercolor in mine with the lyrics of a country song.