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Kaday Library

Kaday Community Library Now Open!!!

Feb. 6th, 2005 - Opening Party

To all the generous people who helped us get here...Thank You!  We would like to think of you all as our partners in this endeavor and we look forward to this new relationship growing and benefiting everyone involved.  Let us know if you have ideas for keeping in touch.

Michelle & Anjannette's Action Shot

These two will be my best customers, I'm sure.

Figir & Taman

The library collection consists of all the regular catagories:  Childrens/Easy Reading, Youth Fiction, Adult Fiction, Non-Fiction, Reference, Activities & Other Resources.

Jocelyn Exploring

The shelves, book labels, and signs are all color-coded to make it easy to use, organize, and it looks cool.

Everyone loves puzzles!!!

This is not your average library, it's a kinda loud and fun place.  Some standard rules apply...and some don't.

Mu'ut (which means 'taro patch' in Yapese) and Jared Enjoying Ranger Rick Magazines

All Yapese have both a Christian name and a Yapese Name, so depending on my mood, I'll use one or the other.

The children gather for the meeting

The village's children, 8th grade and above, will be running this library as one of their community responsibilities but it's the women who are responsible for the childrens education and therefore the library is their responsibility.

Sunset Park, Kaday Village

This is the Kaday Office...and Park/Gas Station/Ice Plant and now LIBRARY!

I have created a "wish list" of materials desired by the community. If you would like to make a donation to the library, please email me at: minemak@hotmail.com and I will send you a copy of the list. Again, thank you so much for your support.